@article{2598, author = "Bewuket Alehegn and Taye Buke and Woldemariam and Woelore", abstract = "The experiment was conducted in 2017 academic year at Wolaita Sodo University College of Agriculture Department of Horticulture laboratory class to test the effect of different storage facilities on ripening and quality of avocado (per sea amereca) fruit...", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Packaging;Materials;Avocado;Shelf Life;Quality", month = "November", number = "3", pages = "547-555", title = "{E}ffect of {D}ifferent {S}torage {M}aterials on {R}ipening and {P}ost-{H}arvest {Q}uality of {A}vocado ({P}ersea, {A}merrican {M}) at {W}olaita {S}odo {U}niversity, {E}thiopia", volume = "6", year = "2017", }